Products Overview

On the Products tab you can create a new product, delete, and edit products created on the Ternary Client Dashboard.

<aside> 💡 All products created on the Ternary Client Dashboard will also show on your connected Stripe account. Products created in Stripe WILL NOT show on the Ternary Client Dashboard. If you need to make changes to a product, do it from the Ternary Client Dashboard.


Creating A Product

If this is a new company, connect your Stripe account. Click “Connect Stripe” to be redirected to the Billing page.

Once your Stripe account has been connected, you can start creating products by clicking “+ New product”.

When you click on “+New Product,” you will have a number of fields to fill out and options to choose from. This includes: the name of the product, the description, the ability to add images, and the type of experience you are trying to sell, i.e. Discord access, file sharing, etc.

Product Options

Discord Access

If you are selling access to a Discord Community and pick that option under the “Experiences” section of the ‘create product page,’ the following options will become available to you: choosing how to assign roles to a customer once a purchase is made and choosing how a user will be removed when their membership expires.

After clicking “Next,” it will take you to the pricing options for your product. The choices you can choose from are: Free Product, Recurring payment, or a One-time payment.

If you choose a recurring payment, and then click “Next,” you will then be directed to the next page where you can set the product price and the payment interval you’d like for the product. There are options for Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly and Custom intervals.

If you choose a One-time payment for your product, you will be directed to a page only with the option to set the price for the product.