Failed Payments

To confirm why a payment or transaction failed, follow the steps below.

Part 1:

Log into your Ternary Admin Dashboard. Go to the “Users” tab. Search for the customer and click on the user.

Part 2:

Click on the red "Customer ID" link. It will open a new window to the customer’s Stripe account.

Part 3:

Scroll toward the bottom of the window to see "Events and Logs". You will be able to check for any errors that may occur with a payment or membership here.

Part 4:

If a payment failed, hover your cursor over the red "Failed" sign under payments to see the reason it failed. Stripe will attempt to collect payment 3 times over a period of a few days before it automatically cancels the subscription (These are the default Stripe settings. You can configure these settings within Stripe).

Once you know the reason why the payment failed, contact the customer to let them know and provide assistance as needed.

Common Errors and Resolutions

Insufficient funds

Customer needs to replenish funds in their bank account or use an alternate payment method.

Bank declined

Bank declined the charge so the customer needs to call their bank or credit card company to approve the charge.

Card was reported lost or stolen

Confirm with the customer that they attempted the charge. These cases could turn into disputes which will affect your “high risk” rate so make sure to resolve it as quickly as possible.